Evaluating website booking and check-in user experience

Client / Company: Travel Company
Industry: Transportation
Research Method: UX Research

Objectives and Methodology

A Travel Company looked to explore ways to improve their customer experience in their digital touch points, particularly in booking and check-in. In addition, they would also like to identify opportunities for integrating its business objectives of growing its loyalty program membership registration and add-ons revenue in the existing digital platforms. To achieve these goals, Curiosity was brought in to conduct usability tests to understand passengers’ thoughts and behavior as they interact with the website and mobile adaptive site.


Research was conducted through Task Analysis, Individual Interview and Usability Testing, and Heuristic Evaluation. Task Analysis determines the following: user goals when certain actions related to booking and checking-in are performed, what users actually do to achieve these goals and what challenges and frustrations they face, what experiences (personal, social and cultural) users bring to the tasks, and how users’ previous knowledge and experience influence how they think about their tasks and goals and the workflow they follow to perform their tasks. Individual interview was used to understand current values, habits and attitudes towards traveling including booking and checking-in. This also covered participants’ thoughts and experiences with regards to loyalty program membership and add-on services. Usability testing required users to complete set of segment-specific tasks representing use case scenarios for actual online booking and checking-in. A Heuristic Evaluation is a usability inspection technique where one or a number of evaluators evaluate the user interface of a platform against a set of Heuristic Principles (also known as Heuristics).